Bocoran Pertanyaan Interview User untuk Kru Kapal Pesiar Umum, Lengkap dengan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris

- 5 Januari 2024, 07:30 WIB
Berikut ini contoh soal interview kru kapal pesiar untuk posisi umum dalam Bahasa Inggris
Berikut ini contoh soal interview kru kapal pesiar untuk posisi umum dalam Bahasa Inggris /Tima Miroshnichenko

MAPAY BANDUNG - Tahap paling krusial sebelum bergabung menjadi kru kapal pesiar adalah interview atau wawancara dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Interview kapal pesiar dibagi menjadi tiga. Pertama tahap ‘screening’, dilanjutkan dengan ‘user’ agen, hingga tahap terakhir dengan ‘user’ dari perusahaan kapal pesiar.

Pertanyaan umum ini seringkali ditanyakan pada tahap interview akhir untuk departemen perhotelan. Diharapkan dengan mengetahui bocorannya, calon kru kapal pesiar dapat membuka wawasan karir di kapal pesiar.

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Berikut 4 pertanyaan dan rekomendasi jawaban interview kapal pesiar untuk posisi umum dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berhasil dirangkum tim

1. Please tell us more about yourself

Certainly! My name …., born at …. in …., my current address now …, I’m Indonesian, and I’m (already married or not married yet).

I'm an enthusiastic and dedicated individual with a passion for the hospitality industry, particularly in creating memorable experiences for guests.

I was graduate from ……, I have a strong background in (bidang yang dilamar HK/ Service/ Product), honed through various roles where I've developed exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.

I thrive in dynamic environments and enjoy working collaboratively with diverse teams to ensure smooth operations and exceed guests' expectations.

I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to the cruise ship environment, where I can combine my love for hospitality with the unique experiences of travel and service at sea.

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2. Tell us about your strength and weakness and why should we hire you?

One of my strengths is my adaptability. I thrive in dynamic environments and can quickly adjust to different situations, whether it's meeting guest needs or collaborating with diverse teams onboard.

As for weaknesses, I strive for perfection sometimes, which can lead me to be overly critical of my own work. However, I actively work on channeling this drive into continuous improvement, seeking feedback, and learning from experiences to enhance my performance.

You should consider hiring me because of my passion for delivering exceptional service. I bring a genuine enthusiasm for the cruise industry and a commitment to ensuring guests have memorable experiences.

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3. Why did you apply to our company?

I applied to (Nama perusahaan, bukan agen) because of its stellar reputation for providing exceptional guest experiences and its commitment to setting high standards in the cruise industry.

Your company's dedication to innovation, attention to detail, and the diverse array of experiences offered on board align perfectly with my career aspirations.

Having researched extensively, I've found that your company values align closely with my own. I'm drawn to the emphasis on guest satisfaction, the diverse and inclusive work culture, and the opportunities for growth and development within the company.

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4. What do you know about our cruise ship?

- Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut lakukan riset terlebih dahulu seperti dimensi, jumlah armada, kapasitas penumpang, rute, dan keunikan yang tidak dimiliki kapal pesiar lain.

Your cruise ship stands out for its commitment to delivering exceptional experiences, offering a wide array of activities and amenities that cater to diverse guest preferences.

From luxurious accommodations to outstanding dining options and entertainment, your ship is renowned for its attention to detail and dedication to guest satisfaction.

I understand that your cruise ship emphasizes not just luxury, but also adventure and cultural enrichment. It's known for its carefully curated itineraries, exploring fascinating destinations and providing guests with authentic and immersive experiences both on board and during shore excursions.

Overall, your cruise ship's reputation for excellence in service, diverse offerings, commitment to guest satisfaction, and responsible practices make it a standout choice for travelers seeking a remarkable and enriching cruise experience.

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Demikian 4 pertanyaan paling umum yang sering ditanyakan user pada saat interview kapal pesiar. Selanjutnya user akan bertanya lebih jauh soal posisi yang dilamar, cakupan kerja, hingga pertanyaan lain secara terperinci.

Pelajari pertanyaan umum tersebut dan lakukan praktik beberapa kali hingga lancar. Penting diketahui keempat pertanyaan tersebut harus dijawab dengan berkesan agar user kapal pesiar tertarik.***

Editor: Asep Yusuf Anshori


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